by Forrest Attaway & Eric Redding

Chainsaw: The Musical follows the life of Joseph Patrick Delany. Born in the small town of Cut and Shoot, Texas, Joey is abused, neglected, and abandoned as a child. He suffers additional atrocities when he is wrongfully institutionalized by the state. After his release, he returns to his home to rebuild what was left of his life only to find that the one thing which was keeping him sane has been compromised.

Chainsaw: The Musical premiered at The Living Room in October 2015.


"When you take your seat for a show called ‘Chainsaw: The Musical,’ you expect it to deliver in fundamental ways: It better show people getting killed with chainsaws (it does), it better have some good tunes (it definitely does) and it better elicit some big laughs (oh, it does).”

- Robert Trussell, The Kansas City Star





Book by Forrest Attaway Music by Eric Wesley Redding

Directed by Missy Koonce

Starring Shon Ruffin, Rebecca Munoz,
Bryan LaFave, Kelsea McLean, Bob Linebarger, Mike Ott, Laura Jacobs,Daria LeGrand, Cam Burns ,Caleb Tracy, Katie Gilchrist,Natalie Liccardello, Sebastian Smith & Bradley J. Thomas

Guitar -Sean Hogge
Bass - Ben Byard
Drums - Mark Johnson
Keys - Matt Villinger